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FunTimes Magazine

Diary of a Woman Like You

Dear Diary, it has been some time since I had a real conversation with you. There was lots of stuff going on since we last talked. It is all in the past now and I am moving ahead with my life.


I’m glad that everything is back on course. I can cook me a good dinner and go to the movies. It is all about me, my life is returning to normal. Waiting for my friends for the gossip that I missed out on while cleaning up the mess I got myself into.


Have lots of things to do today. I really did get myself into a nasty mess and it is taking me some time to clean up. I am going to need to get myself a new job, rearrange my apartment, and do grocery shopping;


I am glad that I am making this decision to live my life for myself. I have no regrets. Now I am ready to live a stress-free life. No more questions and answers with a person who always disrespects me.


Need to really spend time de-stressing. Waiting for the girls for our usual GIRLS NIGHT OUT. Tonight is ladies night and we’ve already planned to hang out later than usual. A few bottles might help in calming my nerves.


It was great, mad fun last night. Our discussions again centered on us. We girls have decided that we need to live life to the fullest with no stress or strings attached


The weekend starts today. I am shopping for a friend’s baby shower, doing my laundry, and attending the baby shower later in the evening.


All I must do today is to continue my job hunt and sleep. How I wish I had a better paying job.